The customer base for Retail Rewards can be segmented into three categories: the retail-driven user, the "green" user, and the knowledge seeker.
For this next assignment, I am focusing on the "green" customer. This customer segment encompasses all smartphone owners who would use Recycle Rewards for the ecological benefit. They are not using the app solely for discounts and retail rewards. Instead they are genuinely concerned about the health of the Earth and want do their part in making the world a better place. The age demographic doesn't really include a specific range. Anyone who owns a smartphone could have the drive to use this app to "feel good about doing good".
Unfortunately I was only able to record one interview this week, but one provides more information than none! I've attached the link below. I learned from this interview that even if a person thinks highly of recycling and values conservation, they still may feel like they're not recycling efficiently and may forget to recycle. Sadly, sometimes it takes litter on the ground or an animal eating trash to remind people that recycling is important. This probably has something to do with the principle of "out of sight out of mind". Recycling probably isn't constantly in someone's mind and because of that, we need to make recycling a habit.
Sometimes Waste Management provides residents with information on recyclables, but this isn't always the case. I have this thought that the recycling information search isn't very in depth or social, and if people have a doubt about if something is recyclable, they just throw it out in the garbage to be safe.
Interview 1
Based on what I learned about this segment, these potential users value the Earth and realize that it is important to conserve. They are aware that the Earth is in danger of being overrun with trash and want to help. Part of the issue is due to lack of information and the other part is due to motivation. The information search to determine what is recyclable may be easier for some depending on how a location handles their recycling. Someone who is given a "Garbage Gram" will have a much clearer picture of recycling than someone who is provided with no information.
ReplyDeleteAs a person that has always believed in recycling, I really like your concept. For all the ways I try to be "green", I know there is still more that I could do. I am amazed that so much of what has become normal in recycling in today's society. Simply recycling bottles, cans and more, by separating in bins for pick up- reusable shopping bags (one of my favorites for years). Good luck.
This app will definitely help with reminding people to not only recycle, but probably to reduce and reuse as well. Creating less waste, even if recyclable, is still worse than not creating any in the first place. This is one of those things that drives me crazy at work: Our company provides us with bottle AND water-cooler Zephyrhills water. I see people pulling out multiple bottles a day and drinking it, tossing it, then getting another bottle. And I have asked them multiple times why they don't just refill their water bottle instead of grabbing a new one. And they kind of just laugh it off. I just don't understand because it is so simple, they are just being selfish and lazy. Sorry about the rant, but my point is, that maybe you could also integrate some helpful tips on how to reduce and reuse as well.
ReplyDeleteI think that the information you gathered is very valid. I probably would have had a very similar interview if it were me. What the good news is is your customer, the smart phone user, is a huge group of people. Put anything into an app and it seems more accessible to me and I'm not even good with technology. I really really like your concept because I care about our environment. I agree that it takes liter or a dying animal to get a lot of people to see the problems we have. I know I am very aware of waste in regards to animals.
ReplyDeleteI think your idea is really interesting. I think it is really cool how you want to protect the environment. I am a big outdoorsman and I hate seeing trash when I am on a lake or in the woods. I think from your one interview, you got the information you needed and were looking for. Great idea!
ReplyDeleteI love your idea, though I think it would appeal more to the people who don't recycle that much now and are looking for an incentive. I believe this segment has the most potential to expand your idea since the people who are already environmentally conscious already recycle, and therefore wouldn't really need your concept to incentivize them to recycle. It has a lot of great potential though and good job!
ReplyDeleteHey Carolyn,
ReplyDeleteI really, really like your business concept. I'm a firm believer in protecting the environment, and I think that you're on a great track by implementing this with something that people just can't live without these days -- their smartphones. I try so hard to recycle, but I know that I could do a better job, and having that incentive would just be phenomenal. Great job, and great interview, as well!